What’s at stake?
Like most people these days, you may have had a few conversations about climate change – or will have come across it on the news. The big message is that modelling suggests that if there is a rise in global temperatures of more than 2°C then the effects of this rise in temperature are likely to be irreversible.
How much temperatures have risen since 1880
source: https://climatecounters.sky.com/human-induced-warming
Global and Local Impacts:
The last decade saw global temperatures that were the hottest since records began. This rise in global temperature has caused an increase in sea temperature destroying coral reefs and affecting other ocean habitats. The polar ice caps are melting more rapidly, as are other glaciers and icefields, resulting in a rise in sea levels which will potentially flood many low-lying coastal regions throughout the world. The rise in air and sea temperatures has changed global weather patterns causing an increased number of severe storms often leading to flooding and in some countries periods of drought resulting in widespread fires. We have seen this over the last few years even in the UK, with areas of flooding and moorland fires.

You can make the difference!
Avoiding this tipping point of a 2°C rise in global temperatures means acting now to make a changes to the way we all live our everyday lives. The good news is that, even though your impact might seem small, if we all make these changes it could make a real difference in the important years to come. An added advantage is that many of these changes could save you money, and could even improve your health. The more changes we can make, and the more people make them, the bigger the impact we can have.
Below will take you to a quiz on the World Wildlife Fund website that will estimate your current carbon footprint. It will take around 7 minutes to complete.
How sustainable are you?